Curriculum Vitae



Ph.D., Atmospheric Sciences, University of Nevada, Reno (2018). 

Area of study: Model aerosol pollution using satellite retrievals and data assimilation

Dissertation title: Determining the effectiveness of satellite remote sensing products to quantify aerosol pollution in the semi-arid western U.S.

M.S., Atmospheric Sciences, University of Nevada, Reno (2013). 

Area of study: Aerosol physics and aerosol satellite retrievals

Thesis title: Comparison of remotely sensed aerosol column optical depth with in-situ measurements and evaluation of aerosol pollution determination from MODIS retrievals for semi-arid Reno, NV, USA

B.S., Meteoroloogy, Universidad de Costa Rica (2009). 

Area of study: Tropical synoptic meteorology

Senior thesis title: Dynamics of Hurricane Cesar, the Impact on the Country and other significant hurricanes for Costa Rica.


2021 – Present. Assistant Professor.  School of Meteorology. The University of Oklahoma.

2023- Present. NOAA Pathfinder Adopters program.        

2022- Present. SPARTAN Network Partnership.                                                                 

2021 – Present. NASA PACE Early Adopters program.              

2020 – 2020. Research Scientist. School of Meteorology. The University of Oklahoma.

2019 – 2020. Postdoctoral Fellow. School of Meteorology. The University of Oklahoma.

2018 – 2018. Postdoctoral Fellow. School of Physics, Department of Atmospheric Sciences. University of Nevada, Reno.


Google Scholars:

Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed)


  • (2021) Special Recognition: Paper selected to be featured as a Research Spotlight in Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union                                                                (     
  • (2016-2018) Fellowship: NASA Earth and Space Science Student Fellowship (NESSF)                
  • (2015) Scholarship: Eastern Sierra Chapter Air &Waste Management Association                          
  • (2015) Special Recognition: Outstanding graduate student – Nevada Silver and Blue Magazine (
  • (2018) Outstanding Graduating Graduate Student Award                                                         
  • (2017) Outstanding Graduate Student Researcher Award                                                          
  • (2017) Graduate Dean’s Merit Scholarship                                                                              
  • (2015-2016) Outstanding International Graduate Student                  
  • (2015-2016) International Student Scholarship                                                                               
  • (2015) Award: Student poster competition (3rd position) – Desert Research Institute                       
  • (2002) Award: Science fair – Colegio del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, Cartago, Costa Rica              

Professional Memberships:

Americal Geophysical Union

American Meteorology Society
