I was honestly surprised at how well I able to remember HTML basics. Of course I do utilize web skills on a regular basis, so I think that helped me retain more information. I feel pretty strong about the basics of HTML but am probably weakest in CSS.
what skills are important/valuable to you as you look towards your post-OU career? What do you wish you had spent more time on while at OU?
I think learning more about the front-end of websites would be a very useful skill for me, as well as spending more time with Adobe programs like PhotoShop, Illustrator and InDesign.
pick out at least one thing from the reading that you found interesting/didn’t already know and at least one thing that was dated (you don’t think it looks right / sounds right now, just a couple years after the book was written) and tell me about each
One thing I found pretty interesting form reading these chapters was his explanation on frame-working tools. I have never worked with many of the programs he mentioned (like Bootstrap or Sketch) but I think it could be an interesting step to add to my process.
In chapter 3, when he talks about the grid system, I understand the reasoning behind this- and I definitely implement this into my own website. However, I could see how this being the fundamental layout for all websites could be a little dated, considering how we seem to be switching to a direction of incorporating more creativity and art into websites now.