After reviewing the article and browsing across the internet there are definitely a lot of terrible websites. Although, there are some really good ones too. One great example of a bad website would be Zara– not only is the website extremely overwhelming and confusing, but it loads poorly and would be difficult to navigate for accessibility reasons (i.e. using a screenreader).
One example of a good website would The New Yorker’s site. Their page has personality and the ability to be unique while remaining simple and user–friendly.
Burson Global also has a good website, because it is bold and creative while remaining informative.
Of course, a lot of websites could be considered “boring.” Due to the fact that there it seems there are limited options when it comes to displaying information or content in a logical and user–friendly format. Like we discussed in class, most news sites use the same format because they simply know it works. I am excited to see what the future continues to bring with web-design.