Link to portfolio:

I am so happy with how the photos uploaded onto the page. One thing I have always had issues with when coding has been adding images. Majority of the time the link doesn’t work properly, or they won’t load. Luckily, with this project the images uploaded properly the first time! So I am proud of myself for finally jumping this obstacle – especially after the break.

One thing that never seems to work properly is the preview through brackets itself. For this project, and all other coding projects, I have never been able to properly preview my sites. For some reason the program strips out the CSS which makes it really difficult to visualize what I am doing. Although, I was able to find it through my file manager and view it there – it just doesn’t provide the real-time updates.

Of course, building a website for someone else is never as easy as building one for yourself. Not only did I have to double check my information, but I also had to make sure I had enough information to fill the elements on the page. Going back and forth to find information and quotes made it difficult for me to stay focused and productive while coding. I should have made sure I had a monitor or additional desktop next to me to make it more efficient. Although, it was fun to create something for someone else and try things that are not typically my style.

Image by Madeline Cantrell