“Daily Me”

The Daily me is a newspaper focused and customized to the individual. The daily me is a process that shows the difference between narrowcasting and digital. Narrowcasting is very personalized as an envision by media outlets and is normally being sent to an audience of people like you not physically you. Narrowcasting is sending out messages to a community of people that are similar. Digital is much more individualized as the information being sent out by the media is targeted directly towards you and only you it doesn’t get sent to a community like you instead towards the one person it is intended for. You can read about all this on 9781433128219 – Digital Literacy by Susan Wiesinger | eCampus.com.

There are three characteristics of the daily me and they are partnership. personalization and participation. Partnership is between the website and the user; you agree to terms of conditions that allow and limit certain things. In the agreements you also allow for the site to personalize what you see so that they can advertise things related to your interest. The second one is personalization which allows individualization, selection and validation which is all connected to what we see, who can see what we share and allowing for feedback from others who can see what we share. The last one is participation; this allows us a place to participate and be part of the communities we choose to be part of it allows us to interact and join in with others.

Platforms that use the Daily Me technique. Office of Web Communications, Cornell University. “Social Media.” Cornell, events.cornell.edu/event/social_media. Accessed 03 Dec. 2023.

The author does get it right in their analysis as the difference between narrowcasting and digital or new media targeting and old media targeting has changed and how it has changed. The author talks about the daily me and how media platforms used to do it by using narrowcasting and coming for a group of people. Then the author talks about the new way through digital and expresses how the media targets individuals and that they personalize it for them and create an environment on media where the user is interested and feels comfortable being involved in based on their history.