(as posted on Linked IN)
The seismic shake test on helical piles went so well! A great big shout out to the National Science Foundation, the Deep Foundation Institute and all of the Helical Pile and Tieback Committee Sponsors who made this test possible.
Project Sponsors
- Hubbell-Chance (http://www.abchance.com/products/helical-piles-anchors/)
- MacLean Power Systems (https://www.macleanpower.com/)
- RamJack Systems Distribution – Cash plus material, fabrication and engineering donation (http://www.ramjack.com/)
- Magnum Piering – Cash plus material, fabrication and engineering donation (http://www.magnumpiering.com/)
- Helical Pile Association (http://www.helicalpileassociation.com/)
- Torcsill Foundations – Cash, plus material, fabrication, engineering and continuous on-site contractor support (http://www.torcsill.com/)
- IDEAL Group (http://idealfoundationsystems.com/)
- Foundation Supportworks (http://www.foundationsupportworks.com/)
- Techno Metal Post (http://www.technometalpost.com/en-CA/)
- Foundation Technologies (https://foundationtechnology.com/)
- CTL/Thompson (http://www.ctlthompson.com/)
- Lally Pipe (http://www.lallypipe.com/)
- DFI (http://www.dfi.org/)
- Helical Pile World (http://www.helicalpileworld.com/)
- Atlas Tube (http://www.atlastube.com/)
- GoliathTech (http://www.goliathtechpiles.com/about-us/)
- Patriot Foundation Systems (http://patriothelicals.com/index.html)
- EXL Tube (https://www.exltube.com/)
Another big shout out to my dream-team helical pile installation team from Torcsill Foundations, LLC (www.torcsill.com) for their continuous, unwavering on-site support of this project. They did anything I asked them to do, from installing helical piles overhead in the large shaker box, to splicing three-wire strain gages, to fabricating and welding material onsite, to loading weights on my piles, and in general just being good guys! Torcsill donated all of this support for a full three weeks and were the major reason this project went forward and stayed on schedule. I could not have done the project without them!
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