The helical pile tests we completed in San Diego in February were a huge success. Not only have we been organizing, reducing and analyzing data, we have been watching the 4 TB (plus) of video files and are starting to create smaller clips of our testing to share. This particular rough clip of a series of shakes shows just how well a group of four 5.5″ pipe helical piles with a single 10″ helix hold up to multiple large shakes. There is roughly 20,000 lbs of axial load spread between the four piles. The accelerometer’s at the middle of the skid mass read roughly 2.5 g’s. Enjoy!
If you are intrigued and interested in this video and the subject matter, make sure to come see me in Chicago at Super Pile ( on Wednesday, June 8th at 11:45 am or at the Deep Foundation Institute (DFI) Helical Pile and Tieback Committee’s (HPTC) Specialty Seminar ( in Ontario, California on Thursday, August 9th at 11:00 am to see more cool video – complete with drone footage of the site and professionally shot interviews of the players involved. You won’t want to miss it! Register today.
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