Category: Blog Post (Page 1 of 4)

Terracon Supports University of Oklahoma Geotechnical Engineering Graduate Students with Scholarship

Mr. Scott Randle, Senior Principal and Dr. Norman Tan, Manager Geotechnical Department present OU Geotechnical Engineering with a $5,000 Graduate Student Scholarship Check.

The University of Oklahoma’s Geotechnical Engineering research group has a close relationship with many of the local geotechnical engineering consulting firms in the area.  These firms donate drill rig time and in situ testing demonstrations for class exercises as well as provide student event and conference sponsorship.  In addition, Terracon has been supporting select OU Geotechnical Engineering graduate students with scholarship monies for the past TEN years.  We appreciate their scholarship support of our students and encourage more companies to join our consortium. 

OU Civil Engineering Alumni Take Part in the 2019 ASCE Oklahoma Chapter Annual Meeting

University of Oklahoma Civil Engineering Alumni met up at the Annual ASCE Conference to learn about interesting developments in the field.

On August 9, 2019 many Civil Engineers from around the state gathered in Stillwater to learn about some new developments and interesting case histories in all areas of civil engineering. There were many OU Alumni in the audience (some of whom are not shown here) and we decided to take a picture to commemorate the day. Boomer!

GeoCarolinas 2019

GeoCarolinas 2019 sets final conference schedule

Come join me at the upcoming GeoCarolinas 2019 conference in Charlotte, NC on Monday, March 4th and learn about interesting aspects of geotechnical engineering!

I’ll be speaking on Monday the 4th at 1:20 pm about the Dynamic and Cyclic Applications of Grouped Helical Piles. I’ll see you there!

Great Speakers Slated for SuperPile 2018 in NYC June 27-29

Come hear some great speakers and learn interesting information about deep foundations at SuperPile 2018 in NYC June 27-29.

The technical committee meetings start on Wednesday, June 27th (the Helical Pile and Tieback Committee (HPTC) meeting is at 3:15-4:45 pm in Ziegfeld).

I’m speaking about the damping characteristics of grouped helical piles in dense sands on Thursday, June 28th at 11:50 am in Parallel Session B, Session2: Helical Piles, which is to be held in Salon 2 on the 5th Floor.   There are many other great topics to learn about.  Come out and see us!

2018 Early Career Geotech Faculty Workshop a BIG success!

Thanks to the sponsors, National Science Foundation (NSF) and the United States Universities Council on Geotechnical Education and Research (USUCGER) for sponsoring the 2nd Early Career Workshop at Case Western Reserve University (Case) on May 20-22, 2018.

Thanks to the sponsors, National Science Foundation (NSF) and the United States Universities Council on Geotechnical Education and Research (USUCGER) for sponsoring the 2nd Early Career Workshop at Case Western Reserve University (Case) on May 20-22, 2018.

With 40 junior faculty and post-doctoral research associates in attendance, we had some lively discussions and great speakers. The goal was to help these young faculty learn to navigate the academic system and be resilient in their academic journey.

Here are some good links to resources that came out of that workshop.

Don’t forget about all the great resources for faculty at the USUCGER website!

Mentoring Best Practices:

Dr. Amy Cerato to partner with Norman, Oklahoma Based Bergey Windpower to design a better performing and less-expensive foundation for their Excel 15 Turbine and Tower

Bergey Windpower and Dr. Amy Cerato will work together on a Department of Energy (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Competitive Improvement Project (CIP) grant to design a helical pile foundation for the 15kW turbine and self-supporting lattice tower to increase the speed of installation and lower the cost.  Bergey and Dr. Cerato have worked together before on a successful OCAST project when they studied helical anchor behavior under long-term cyclic loading for use with their guyed towers and found that the 3- and 4- helix configuration worked well.

Read the article to find out more!

New Seismic Video Released at the DFI HPTC Specialty Seminar

Did you miss my keynote presentation?  I’m sure you are disappointed – but while I work to video capture the presentation and release it to a wider audience, check out this great video cut of our helical pile seismic research project at the University of California San Diego.  Thanks again goes to Aaron Wheeler of Torcsill Foundations for not only vetting, hiring and overseeing the videographers onsite, but also cutting and editing all the documentaries of our test!


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