Web Design

Web design is complicated. I am still working on the figma stuff where we have to draw like 4 different things. Some websites designs that I like are ESPN and mmajunkie. I like ESPNs because it’s flashy and has many portals to different kinds of information all on a singular page. I like mmajunkie’s format because it is very simple. A header article with a picture and then more articles below it. No color, no fancy layout, just a simplistic website that focuses on the writing and content.

One website that I think is pretty bad is heavensgate.com It’s bad not only in what it did and still currently stands for, but the fact that it was made before 1997 (can’t find the exact date but that’s when the incident happened) and is still operational, it still looks like what it looks like. It’s updated from time-to-time and from further investigating, the contact emails still work. It looks like your standard startup website from when the internet was newer–it didn’t adapt with the times. It’s just a really badly formatted, dark HTML website.