There is a lot of areas that Black culture is represented and magazines are a major area of that culture. Towards the 1900s, more Black-owned magazines started to take shape in the media scene as Black culture as a whole would start to flourish into itself. Things like the clothes worn by the latest and greatest influencers, the newest R&B hits from a top-tier artist, and many more things pertaining to our culture are still very much present in these magazines to this day. One of the prevalent magazines that stand out to me are EBONY , which debuted in 1945. EBONY is the prime emulation of celebration of Blackness. I really enjoy how they show all the goods while not overlooking things that should be improved on within our culture. They’re not afraid to be real, which is often overlooked in the media society. Another magazine that highlights Black culture is The Root. Something that I love about The Root is the variety of content that is displayed throughout the magazine. On the home page, you’ll see entertainment like the hottest black actors of today as well as news like the politics of a few democrat’s thoughts and ideas on the Israeli conflict. Now while I do love the whole of Black magazines and what they do for the culture, I am more wrapped into a certain area within these magazines. If I was to be fortunate enough to work for any of these magazines in the future, I would love to be a part of the advertising and sale of the magazine. What I enjoy about these magazines is that they bring Black culture to the spotlight. That’s exactly how advertising would look for these magazines as well. This is my entire goal for being an advertising major in pursuing my professional career, pushing what I’m passionate about to the public, in this case Black culture. I hope to spearhead a creative advertising campaign for a magazine like The Root or EBONY someday.
October 30, 2023
Culture in Magazine
Isaiah Walker
Comments by Isaiah Walker