Reducing the energy and carbon intensity of the conventional chemical processing industry can be achieved by electrochemically transforming natural gases into higher-value chemicals with higher efficiency and near-zero emissions.

In this work, the direct conversion of methane to aromatics and electricity has been achieved in a protonic ceramic electrocatalytic membrane reactor through the integration of a proton-conducting membrane assembly and a trimetallic Pt–Cu/Mo/ZSM-5 catalyst for the nonoxidative methane dehydro-aromatization reaction. In this integrated system, a remarkable 15.6% single-pass methane conversion with an 11.4% benzene yield has been demonstrated, while a peak power density of 276 mW cm–2 is obtained at 700 °C. The enhanced 15.7% increase in conversion and 16.0% improvement in the yield are observed when compared with the thermochemical process, which is attributed to the shift of reaction equilibrium by the removal of hydrogen through the protonic membrane. Concurrently, the faster H2 removal at a higher electrical current gave rise to a higher methane conversion and benzene yield. Furthermore, the catalyst can be efficiently regenerated by eliminating carbon deposition. A stable cell potential is maintained for 45 h under a constant current load of 0.13 A cm–2. The dual production of aromatics and electricity in the electrocatalytic membrane reactor has been demonstrated to be an attractive approach for decarbonizing chemical processing.

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