First amendment assignment

The answers for the topic assigned shocked me. The older age group recognized the law and cared about it and supported it for the most part. While the younger group did not seem to recognize it as well, some did though, and they supported it and said it was something we need to pay more attention to. They supported it because they believe everyone should have these rights and be guaranteed to have these. They all seemed to recognize certain parts of it, but I would say the thing that surprised me the most is when they all seemed to say we do not peacefully protest anymore. They said that protesting the government has gone crazy and that we need to start being more peaceful when it comes to protesting. I would say the males I talked to were more in favor of the amendment than the females. Like the link provided in the assignment stated Caucasian people tend to agree with the amendment more than those of color. Which was a pattern seen in my interviews with the people I talked to. I was more impressed with how some of the younger generation of people knew the law and caught on to what I was doing. Obviously, there were some that did not but over 50% did and that was shocking to me. I think in today’s world people have started to pay more attention to the first amendment because it guarantees people things that are sometimes not granted so they know it more. Over half the people I talked to were Republicans and they tended to agree with the first amendment. I wouldn’t say anyone I talked to completely disagreed with the law.

Drew Qualls

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