2023 Los Angeles Dodgers Breakdown

The Los Angeles Dodgers are one of the most successful franchises in Major League Baseball history, and they added another World Series championship to their trophy case in 2020. Looking ahead to the 2023 season, they will once again be a team to watch, thanks to their deep and talented roster. The Dodgers will have a mix of all-star veterans and young prospects on their roster in 2023. Key players such as Mookie Betts, Clayton Kershaw, will likely still be under contract, while younger players like Gavin Lux, Dustin May, and Keibert Ruiz could be emerging as impact contributors. This combination of veteran leadership and promising young talent should provide the Dodgers with a solid foundation for success. One of the biggest strengths of the Dodgers in recent years has been their starting rotation, and that should continue to be the case in 2023. Kershaw, Buehler, and Urias will form a formidable trio, while the team could also have promising young arms like Josiah Gray and Bobby Miller ready to contribute at the major league level. However, the bullpen has been a weak spot at times in recent years, and the Dodgers may need to address that area to ensure they have a reliable bridge to their dominant starting pitching.

Photo from: https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.1c4f46d334999d2b908b624f81fae671?rik=patcwIznUrorjw&riu=http%3a%2f%2flogos-download.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2016%2f04%2fLA_Dodgers_logo_logotype_emblem_symbol.png&ehk=0JOd%2fntsh0uydaUawLZ6J2uxwkEGr0UKjRDrsp5usMs%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0

Drew Qualls

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