2023 New York Yankees Breakdown

The New York Yankees have a mix of established veterans and young talent on their roster heading into the 2023 season. Key players such as Aaron Judge, Giancarlo Stanton, and Gleyber Torres will still be under contract, while younger players like Deivi Garcia and Estevan Florial could be emerging as impact contributors. One of the biggest questions facing the Yankees will be their starting pitching. Ace Gerrit Cole will still be under contract, but beyond him, there are question marks. Will Luis Severino be fully healthy and able to contribute? Will Domingo German continue to develop and become a reliable starter? Will the Yankees make a big move to acquire another top-tier starter? Offensively, the Yankees will likely continue to rely on their power-hitting lineup to produce runs. However, they may need to find more consistency and balance, as they have struggled at times with strikeouts and hitting with runners in scoring position, the success of the 2023 Yankees will depend on their ability to stay healthy, develop their young talent, and make smart moves in free agency and the trade market. If they can do those things, they could once again be contenders for a championship.

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Drew Qualls

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