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The OU Game Developer’s Association is dedicated to being a hub for students to learn about and practice creating video games of all kinds.

Our organization approaches game development education from many aspects including: Programming, Game Design, 2D/3D Art & Animation, Writing & Storytelling, and Music & Sound Design!

GDA’s weekly general meetings consist of a member-voted development analysis referred to as “Game of The Week” in which each of our committee leaders breakdown a game into its developmental components.

Each area of game development is uniquely represented as a committee within GDA and are each directed by specialists in the respective field. As a member within a committee, you have the opportunity to dive deeper into learning about your chosen area of game development. Our organization is committed and structured to creating a welcoming environment for you to pursue your passions and interests within the game industry!

If this organization interests you, join us on our Discord at https://discord.gg/UTTCNn2! Discord is our primary source of communication.

For the Spring 2023 semester, we will be hosting our general meetings in person!

Meeting Times: Tuesdays @6pm, location can be found on our Discord.

Our organization aims to be accessible to all skill levels, majors, and backgrounds!

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