Tom Buchanan the image of toxic masculinity and man that constantly cheats on his wife but still claims that he truly loves her. Looking at Tom and while analyzing him it doesn’t take much to realize he is a bad character that one can truly not idolize. He cheats on his wife regularly with Myrtle while also in a way hurting Daisy finger, which shows us how he physically and mentally abuses her. Considering all of this shows his toxic masculinity in a way and how he doesn’t value women, and wishing he lived his younger life vision on when he was a football player.
When I look at Tom one of the first things, I see is Tristan Thompson and you may wonder why, it is because the way he cheated on Khloe Kardashian and always sweared he loved her like how Tom says he loves Daisy. Tristan Thompson always cheated on Khloe with people like Jordyn Woods or other woman then would eventually come back to Khloe Kardashian and tell her how much he loved her. Considering this Khloe and Daisy both have different reasons for staying with these awful men, Khloe stays for the baby while Daisy stays for the money. Tom in general is just a bad character but, I don’t know why I can see him being semi normal for the times the great Gatsby was written. Considering how he is rich, I imagine he has Daisy as like a trophy wife than has his mistress on the side, I just imagine this when I think of men back in the day with lots of money that peaked at an early age and struggle with their toxic masculinity.