Media Interactions

Welcome to the first post! To start off my blog, I am looking into questions about media. What is it about media that sparks my interest? As I explained on my About page, this blog will focus on my interactions at the University of Oklahoma. Similarly, what intrigues me most about media is how it impacts a person’s interactions with culture and the other people around them.

Whether it is film, literature, social platforms, or news, the media we take in has a major impact on our world view.

Think about it. So many of our cultural references come from quotable movies. These quotes easily become a part of our daily lives. How much more do the values and messages from these films get incorporated into our mindsets?

The news we get shapes our opinions of current events, but it also shapes the lens we are used to looking through. Buzz words like “fake news” and “unprecedented times” affect how we understand what is happening around us. The kinds of questions we listen to in interviews become part of how we analyze our day-to-day interactions.

As I go through this blog, I hope to gain insight into how to successfully create media that has a positive effect on those who engage with it. Further, I hope my experience running this blog will answer my questions about how I personally interact with the media.

That’s all for today! Check back soon for a review of the FIRST HOME FOOTBALL GAME!