“The Daily Me”

              In the Digital Literacy textbook, in chapter 5, it talks about “The Daily Me”. As the book explains, this concept differentiates narrowcasting and digital. “The Daily Me” is in the digital concept because it is a personalized concept, directed towards you, while narrowcasting is directing towards a group of people who might be like you. All in all, I believe the author was very accurate about “The Daily Me” concept.

              “The Daily Me” is broken down into 3 parts: partnership, participation, and personalization. Partnership is you, as the user, agreeing to the website’s terms and agreements so you are able to use this website. Participation is posting anything you want onto the site. And personalization is posting anything you would like, while being able to choose who sees the posts, and you also get to choose who you want to see on this site.

Example of a personalized ad (Walmart)

              With these 3 categories it makes this concept so simple to grasp. I personally also didn’t realize how websites and our phones get so personalized, but it is because we let these sites use our information so we can actually use the website or app. These terms are also in our phones, the data is collects personalizes your ads on other apps so you can see something you clicked on earlier or maybe even talked about. According to Salsify, this system of personalized ads are a great way to boost sales, increase engagement levels, and increase customer retention.

              It is also a fantastic way for these websites and apps to see what is popular or not. They can see how much something is clicked on to see “maybe I shouldn’t be selling this?” or how to rework something on their end to make things more popular.

              So, next time you are talking to your friends about buying a toaster, you might see it on the next website you go to.

Featured Image: Made by Katie Sumter using Canva