My freshman year of high school I was able to go on a spring break trip with my school to Ireland, Wales, and the United Kingdom.

We flew into Shannon, Ireland and traveled to Killarney where we stayed two days.

Outside of our Killarney hotel.

We went around the Ring of Kerry and I saw the ocean for the first time.

View from a castle.
Seeing the ocean for the first time.

One thing I really appreciated about Ireland was their lack of fences. Everything was so open and beautiful. It felt selfless in a way.

Ring of Kerry
Colorful buildings!

After leaving Killarney we went to the Blarney Castle and I sort of got lost from my group for a couple hours but I had a great time exploring.

Our next destination was Dublin where we visited St. Patrick’s Cathedral and got to explore the city.

Beautiful windows in St. Patrick’s Cathedral
Street in Dublin

The next day we left Ireland and took a ferry to Holyhead, Wales, and traveled through the country to get to England.

Stopped at Llanfair p. I love telling people about this because it’s insane.
View from a village in Wales. Probably one of my favorite places.
View of town from a castle.

Finally we made our way to England.

Buckingham Palace

We also got to see the musical Wicked! I cried twice during the show.

One thing that struck me was how clean everything was. I don’t think I saw a piece of litter the entire trip. When we asked our tour guide, he just said “we have a lot of pride for our country”. It has really stuck with me.

The weather always seemed to fit our events for the day. It was cold the whole trip, but the fog, clouds, sun, or rain always felt right for the moment we were experiencing, and the scenery was so stunning to look at.

There is so much more I could include but I will stop here. Overall it was an amazing trip that really sparked my love for travel.

A full view of the itinerary for the trip, as well as booking it for your own experience is available here: