I’m writing words on a paper. It’s the same as I’ve done for the last 14 years. 

It’s another thing I have to do. There’s always so much to do. 

As we graduate we’ll hear that life is about to start,

And it makes me wonder what I’ve been doing for the last 18 years.

As if I haven’t been living, or feeling, or dealing with hardships.

I’ve lived plenty

Oh, but not enough.

There’s so much to do.

 Rent to pay, a job to get to, an assignment due

And you wonder where is all of the time going?

And I know that the weight of it all makes it feel like everything’s falling in 

And that there’s so much pressure 

And if only you could just make it through today 

Just get through today and it might be fine.

And you’re right

But there’s so much more.

All of the time is not gone

It is in our hands but it is fleeting

And we have to use it while we can

And if we use it just to worry then what was the point

This time is so much more valuable 

And we must treasure it more

So please come dance with me in the rain

Play me your favorite song and we can sing it out of tune and laugh at our clumsy melodies

Go to Europe and eat tasty food and see mountains and oceans

Laugh and cry because there will be tears but they will water the flowers of your soul.

Lay in the sun just to feel its warmth

Fall in love and get married.

Sit with me and tell me your troubles, then try to move past them since most won’t matter a year from now. 

Drive and don’t stop until you love where you are. 

And then learn to love yourself anywhere.

Hug your friends because we will all leave here tonight and it might be the last time we see each other

And that’s okay.

Just please don’t stop growing and learning.

As we say goodbye, be hopeful for yourself

You may not know what to do after this

And that’s okay

There’s so much to do. 

And our time is now

You don’t have to change the world

For your time to have meant something.

Do what makes you happy and it won’t have been a waste

You’ve done so much already

You’ve made it through so much already.

And you’re ready for more.

There’s so much to do.