Maryland Legislature

For Comp II project II, we had to pick a stakeholder from project I, and analyze worldviews and values from that group/person. I hope you enjoy reading this.

Luis Alfaro



7 March 2022 

When talking about the Freedom of Vote Act, we must understand what it means. The Freedom of Vote Act is a historic legislation to strengthen American democracy, promote racial justice and equity for all Americans, and thwart to assault on voting rights taking place in the states. Some of the stakeholders that I mentioned while talking about the Freedom of Vote Act is prisoners, African American and Latinos together, prisons, and Maryland legislature. One of the stakeholders that I mentioned in project one was the Maryland Legislature and talking about how prisoners deserve a chance on voting. Even when dealing with voting, prisoners should deserve a second chance especially how Maryland Legislature should be fair on the ruling.

            Before talking about voting, specifically figure out the worldview of Maryland for a state, we must figure out on what government they run. According to the article, “Laws governing the referendum process in Maryland”, talks about on how the worldview. The article states,

“The Maryland Constitution forbids the use of the veto referendum power on any law “making any appropriation for maintaining the State Government, or for maintaining or aiding any public institution, not exceeding the next previous appropriation for the same purpose.” In other words, the continuation of basic appropriations to meet the state’s budget cannot be put to a vote through a signature petition. Increases to appropriations made in the past, however, are subject to the referendum power” (Law governing). This shows the overview of what Maryland must bring when talking about their own constitution. To top that, this includes of how Maryland shows more of a democratic side when dealing with the legislature.

            To show, the Maryland legislature shows that they show a value of justice, and humanity to people who have been committed a crime. For example, in the article, “Maryland legislature restores voting rights to 40,000 ex-offenders”, shows that one of the people of government, republican Larry Hogan for Baltimore, issued how he says it’s not right. He says in a Twitter post, “Today, twenty-nine people in the Maryland Senate decided to ignore reason and common sense” (Hogan). The reason he believes that it is wrong is because he does not want to let the whole state of Maryland to go downhill. To top of that, the worldview and value that states “our citizens deserve better” shows that he wants to make Maryland good, and the value is selfishness towards his own state of ruling. To add on, from the same article, delegate Cory McCray, a democrat for Baltimore shows the worldview of what he wants for his state which is giving people an opportunity. He says,

“When you can’t vote, you don’t have a seat at the table,” said McCray, whose Baltimore district has one of the highest ex-offender populations in the state. “Obviously, they’ve made mistakes, but these are our family members, our friends, our neighbors. These folks pay taxes. You can’t leave 40,000 people out of the conversation on subject matters that directly and indirectly impact them, like criminal justice reform, housing, access to fresh foods, employment, and transportation. (McCray). He shows the worldview of believing in a better economy to show that yes people make mistakes, but should also let people get a chance, and a benefit of a doubt.

            To shift gears, this will not be talking about which party believes what, more of what Maryland wants to do to protect their democracy. For example, in article, “As states add voting restrictions, Democrats say reform bill by Maryland’s John Sarbanes is ‘vital to protect our democracy’” shows the demonstration of what has happened for them to either say they agree or disagree. The article quotes,

“In such a climate, Democratic U.S. Rep. Kweisi Mfume said he views Sarbanes’ “For the People Act” as an important civil rights bill that would help keep many voters from being disenfranchised. “This could not have found a better time, given what many Republican state legislatures are doing across the country,” said Mfume, who represents parts of Baltimore City, Baltimore County and Howard County (Barker). The article shows that Mfume, a representative of those counties quoted show the worldview of believing the bill, and to keep the voters active from not being abolished. He also believes in a value of humanity to show that he wants his people, specifically his county to be heard. To add on, democrats want to keep the democracy safe, and have the support from the people. The article states,

“It has not attracted critical Republican support, but has become a signature measure for Democrats eager to protect voting rights heading into the 2022 midterm congressional elections. They also want to showcase their efforts to limit the role of big money in campaigns, tighten ethics rules for members of Congress, and end the drawing of sharply partisan U.S. House districts.

Among the Democrats promoting the bill are former President Barack Obama, who calls it “so important” to protecting democracy. Eric Holder, U.S. attorney general in the Obama administration, says it is needed to combat a recent “wave of [state-level] voter suppression bills, the likes of which we have not seen since the Jim Crow era.” The quote shown that the worldview of protecting their people and want to make themselves good, for not only them, but for their people.

            Maryland Legislature shows that want a reform for the Freedom of Vote Act. For example, in article, “Van Hollen statement on voting rights legislation, filibuster reform shows the intention of being fundamental for his state. Before stating, Chris Van Hollen is a democrat for the state of Maryland, but is now a U.S. senator for that state. He states,

“While I’m deeply disappointed, tonight’s vote is not the end of this fight. We will redouble our efforts and push forward. As my colleague Senator Warnock said tonight on the Senate floor, just as John Lewis ultimately persevered in the march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge – we will keep fighting until we get across this voting rights bridge. Tonight, every single Democrat was united in our effort to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to protect Americans’ access to the ballot box and to confront the poison of Trump’s Big Lie that has fueled Republican state legislatures across our nation to erect barriers to voting. Every single Republican stood in opposition. While our effort to change the Senate rules – an effort that I believe is fundamental to our democracy and a functioning Senate – did not pass, we must remain steadfast in this pursuit. The fight goes on.” (Hollen) He shows the worldview of justice to show that he wants to believe in humanity for Americans to get access to vote.

            By using this information gathered about Maryland Legislature, it is possible to see the worldview, analysis, and arguments of this topic. In discovering this, it becomes possible to demonstrate a strategy to best persuade that the Freedom of Vote Act is not talked about a lot, but it should be mentioned a lot more because people deserve more than they should. Maryland legislature should understand what people believe in, and what they want, which is a democracy of justice, humanity, and selflessness. The reason I believe that selflessness is a good worldview is because most people would say that either party, or government is all about themselves. They want the people to be heard, and not be silent during times in elections, or in times where people are not heard enough. That is the reality of Maryland legislature, and see the worldview, and analysis of this not heard topic which is the Freedom of Vote Act.

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