
So a little funny story, I was about to audition for the civic orchestra, and I was about to, but the audition was at a class at 1:30 which was my Intro to Sociology class. But I went to a concert that one of my other friends, that is from Lawton played, and was like astonished at how he played. We did not go to the same high school, however, through orchestra we did. One of my other high school friends was in the same orchestra as the other kid. Their names are Brendan Wiley and Daniel Garcia. They both play 1st violin and cello. I play viola, and so I was looking at how many people were in the viola section, and was like, “why not?” It’s been a semester since I have not played, but don’t want to give it up. So in the next academic school year, I will be in the OU civic orchestra, and that is one of my goals for the next school year. If it wasn’t for my orchestra family back in Lawton, and the orchestra that I’ve had for the past 7 years, I don’t know where my love for music goes.

The OU Civic Orchestra

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