So on my OU journey, I have met some spectacular people from Elena Price, my roommate Josh, Meena, etc. One of the people I had the pleasure of meeting here at OU is Carolina Zavala.
She is the best human that you could ever meet on earth. She is one of those people you’d see every once in a blue moon. We met through DMAT, a remediation math class. It was the first semester of my first year here at OU. Also, she knows Elena Price, one of my other good friends that I knew. She is from Moore, Oklahoma, and is also Hispanic. She is such a supporter of my music journey at OU as well. If anything, I’m so glad that I met her and that a class would bring our friendship closer. Honestly, I always sent out messages to people like, “if I don’t see you again, I hope you have a good college career and an amazing four years.” She was like, “I want to hang out with you again and do dinner or something. I would love to hang out with Elena, you, and my roommate Josh.“
2nd Semester Freshman Year
So she told me the news that her roommate was moving out and was going back to Texas. So I felt awful and told her, “you can hang out or even have dinner any time this semester if you like.” Then, she came to Boren and asked if it was okay to see what my dorm looks like. I said, “sure”. She was in my dorm talking about how her classes have been this semester and everything. After 20 minutes, Josh came into our dorm and met Carolina for the first time. Carolina was excited to meet Josh, the minute the key went into the lock. She asked, “is that him?” So I said, “yes.” Josh was shocked that there was somebody that he didn’t know. So I did intros for Josh, and Caro (which she goes by) was very excited to meet him for the first time.
Then we both had dinner and invited Josh as well. I asked her if she liked to hear me play my viola. I’ve been on viola for seven years and violin for two years. Then I did my viola solo that I played my senior year for solo and ensemble. I played “Viola Telemann Concerto, 4th movement, Presto in G Major.” After I played, they were shocked at how good I was. Other than that, I was happy about Carolina meeting Josh.