The Odyssey

Not even a God could improve those lovely looks of yours but the mind inside is worthless.” – The Odyssey

Oh, The Odyssey, by Homer such an oldie, but a goodie. Wrong!! I like The Odyssey, but the song. I know you’re thinking, “Luis you like the song, but not the book?” That’s correct, well, I didn’t read the classic novel in high school at all. This leads me to talk about The Odyssey by Soon Hee Newbold. The Odyssey by Soon Hee Newbold is an amazing piece that she has ever composed. I also play both violin and viola parts in the song. Listening to it makes me feel like I’m in The Odyssey even though I’ve never read it. Listening to and playing the song makes me feel nostalgic in the mood for Greek literature that everyone loves. So in all fairness, I would give the piece 10/10 just because it makes me feel like I’m Odysseus.

Please listen to The Odyssey (Journey of Odysseus) while reading About the Music.

About the Music:

A hero and legend of the Trojan War, Odysseus sails back home to Ithaca along with his crew. After a brief stay with the Lotus Eaters and a narrow escape from a cyclops, the crew is turned into pigs by the sorceress Circe. Odysseus manages to win Circe over, who then warns of the enchanting Sirens, the deadly monster Scylla and whirlpool Charybdis. But as fate and the gods would have it, Odysseus loses his crew to Charybdis and is stranded on an island with the nymph Calypso. Many years later, Odysseus returns to his wife and son in Ithaca.

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