To: Dinah

Throughout my orchestra journey, I’ve had a lot of different viola stand partners. Many included: Ahn-Nika Cassidy, Larissa Lindsey, Adelita Ontiveros to name a few. One viola partner that I admire a lot is Dinah Hopper. We’ve been stand partners since middle school. It was her 7th and my 8th grade that we’ve became good stand partners. We met through LOYO (Lasill Optimist Youth Orchestra). She went to Eisenhower middle, and high school. However I went to Tomlinson, then Lawton High. We play together and literally would always be stand partners every year. It was my last year playing at the All-City concert that I played last spring. It was an amazing concert, and an emotional night because of how many people I will miss playing with. I wouldn’t expected to make an impact on people especially musicians. It was a night to remember because of the amazing friends that I’ve made in orchestra, and my love for music growing over time.

Even Dinah posted on her Facebook writing,

I can’t even say how much I will miss you being my stand partner. I have looked up to you since I started LOYO back in 7th grade, it sucks that you are graduating and moving away this year. You helped me grow in music and for that I thank you. I’m going to miss you very much.

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