
Please listen to Elementa while reading this blog.

Before you read this blog, I know you probably think why all my siblings are the cover photo? The reason is because all four of us make up the elements for our zodiac sign. My sister; Cici is an Aquarius (Air Sign, in the front), I’m a Virgo (Earth Sign, on the right), Samantha in the back is a Sagittarius (Fire Sign, in the back), and my brother Miguel is a Cancer (Water Sign, on the left).

So, in many blog posts, I talk about zodiac signs and the elements. For instance, Water Signs are; Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Earth Signs are; Capricorns, Taurus, and Virgo. Fire Signs are; Aries, Leos, and Sagittarius. Air Signs are; Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Even when meeting new people, I would always ask people their zodiac sign. It’s fun when people mention their zodiac sign. For example, many people I met at OU were either Leos or Cancers. I love Cancers a lot since I am compatible with them. I’m a Virgo, and I don’t necessarily have a lot of other signs that I’m compatible with all the time. The zodiac signs I get along with are Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, and Cancer.

Anyways to shift gears. I titled this blog Elementa because it is a song that Soon Hee Newbold recently composed. For those who are new, I talk a lot about Newbold. What I love about Newbold is that, she gives an orchestra, specifically a string orchestra, an opportunity at the melody. For example, the first violin section would always get the theme. In Newbold’s case, she believes that every string section has a chance at the melody. The song is in three movements. Now, to talk about Elementa.

About the Music:

Commissioned by the Russell Independent Schools Orchestra, Elementa is inspired by the city of Russell in Kentucky and the four elements. Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. The City of Russell was founded as a CSX railroad town situated on the south bank of the Ohio River. The train company is not as grand as it once was but still provides jobs to many families and is the zeitgeist for the community. The annual “Railroad Days Festival” is still a big hit. The school mascot is the Mighty Red Devils. When coal was fed into the trains, it would create a “popping” echo in the holleres. The shadows cast from trains into the hollers mexed with the coal popping was described as watching these “shadows transforming into Mighty Red Devils that become menacing.”

Movement 1: Flights of Fancy

The first movement symbolizes the element of air along with a train rider through the landscape of Russell. Pizzicato (plucking the string) and the harmonics represent the train whistle and “popping” sound of coal burning. The lister can hop on the train and see the city pass by and also soar overhead seeing the train from a bird’s eye view.

Movement 2: Terra

The second movement resembles an Appalachian lullaby and represents the element of Earth. On one side, you have the flowing Ohio river in all of its glory and on the other, the dense forest of Appalachia. Many students forgo the mall or movies just to sit next to the river and take in its beauty.

Movement 3: Fire and Ice

The third movement captures the elements of fire and water meeting to create steam, and the kinetic energy of a small town that is still thriving.

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