So, in high school, one of the many good people that I’d made friends with was Latalyia Qutaishat. Latalyia was a cheery person and was always in style all the time. She was on homecoming court her senior year and won the crowning. She also won alongside Jojo, her escort, now boyfriend. One thing I admire about both Latalyia and Jojo is their beauty and their relationship even after high school. I never knew Jojo, but I knew Latalyia very well. How we met was we had a class together called Ignition. She was also on student council even though I was not. I loved how she was just herself, and that is a trait that I wish I had.
I saw her again when she was a part of the homecoming assembly, and at the end, she got escorted by Lieutenant Colonel Daniels, Lawton High School’s JROTC instructor. Everyone in the senior class shouted on seeing Latalyia again.
I forever will love her strength and the confidence that she has for herself!! Lots of love and endeavors to her!!!