During my time at Lawton High School, I got the privilege of being in NHS. I wanted to do it my junior year, but I could not. My best friend, Kalista, was president when she was in that organization. I loved the people and the friendships that I got to make.

For those who do not know what National Honor Society is, NHS is a nationwide organization for high school students in the United States and outlying territories. It consists of many chapters in high schools. Selection is, based on four criteria: scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
My senior year, I finally got to do it. My sponsor, Mrs. Bausch, was very good to me. I had her junior year, and she was my English III teacher. She even asked me if I would like to be president of the organization. Of course, I wouldn’t turn down the offer. I love how I met some phenomenal people and the service hours I got. I loved the magnificent memories that I got to make with NHS. Because of NHS, I would not be the person I am today.
I also got to graduate with National Honor Society gold cords. The cords represented that I was in NHS for two years and had fifteen plus community service hours.
The colors for National Honor Society are blue and gold. The color blue represents education scholars. The color gold represents excellence.