Meer Winden

So, this summer, I have been exploring kinds of orchestral music. I am trying my best to find another composer that’s not Soon Hee Newbold. I love Newbold, don’t get me wrong, I need something that can bring the heat. I then was looking on Youtube and saw the song. Meer Winden by Bob Phillips. I love Meer Winden, especially at the end, where the first violin and viola section get the melody. It’s breathtaking. I recommend it very much to listeners.

Please listen to Meer Winden while reading About the music.

About the music

Meer Winden (Dutch for “lake winds”) was written for the Centennial Celebration of the Grand Haven Area Public Schools orchestra program. This beautiful West Michigan resort town sits on the sandy beaches of Lake Michigan. The area has a strong Dutch heritage, still evident to this day.

In the late fall the furious winds of November can create up to 20 foot waves on this vast inland sea. The piece starts pensively as the fury of the winds approach, finally exploding furiously onto shore as the fast section begins. The waltz section represents the strange sight of the whimsical wave riders in wet suits as they surf the big waves. Our attention returns to the turbulent waves with a restatement of the opening fast section. The final push to the end reflects the unrelenting nature of the winds of November ending in a dramatic climax.

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