August 28, 2022
I got done celebrating my 20th birthday today with some friends at Hideaway Pizza at Campus Corner. Before my birthday dinner tonight, I went to Starbucks to get my free drink from there, and got myself a cake pop. I got a chocolate one and an impossible breakfast sandwich, which was so good. I loved my birthday, and when I got to my apartment, I practiced some songs for fun on my violin. For example, some songs would include some of Newbold’s works and compositions. One song that I played was Arabian Dreams and the Happy Birthday song because it was my big day. Then, one of my friends, Raina wished me a Happy Birthday on Snapchat.
I played that song and posted an edit of myself from the last twenty years. I also recorded myself playing Happy Birthday, and people fell in love with my playing.
Now, to talk about my dinner at Hideaway. Before dinner, I spoke to Hannah, a friend from my intro to media class I had last semester. I talked to her because she couldn’t come tonight to my birthday dinner. So, we talked for a while, and I almost forgot my cake at my apartment. I went back to get my cake and felt so embarrassed about it. One of my friends, Vanessa, came to Norman to visit me. Also, some friends, including Josh, Ty, Victoria, Xander, Ciara, and her boyfriend Caden, came tonight. I loved the conversations I had with my friends, and how comedic Ty was tonight was over the roof.
All my friends sang Happy Birthday, and I loved the moment I got to have. I will forever cherish my birthday this year; it was one for the books!!!