It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, but here it is!!
I finished my semester strong, and made a lot of new friends and memories. It was also a lot of firsts. I got done taking my finals for the semester, and I passed all of them with flying colors.
Now, to talk about my classes this semester.
I originally was taking 15 credit hours, but had to drop one. Honestly, my classes were a walk in the park. From my Classical Mythology to my Media Writing and Storytelling course. It was a time consumer for sure, especially with my Media Writing and Storytelling class. This course alone was one that is very detail-orientated. Now I know you’re thinking, why is this class time consuming. Well, for starters, it was how much the assignments weighed. It was 60% of my grade, and one mistake could ruin it. Thankfully, my professor, Theodore Satterfield, made this class engaging and fun. Definitely a lot of fun projects from this course. It also made everyone in our class step outside of our comfort zone.
My Introductory Nutrition class was by far the best (even though I hate Science with a passion). Nadine Sikora, my instructor for the semester, made it fun. To be honest, when I first saw her walk into the lecture, I thought it was Dr. Leah Hoffman, the main professor of Introductory Nutrition. Nadine definitely was one of those instructors who was laid back. She even went to my concert at Catlett (she teaches over 60 students in Introductory Nutrition). She went to my concert because of a compliment she gave me on my fall jacket I’ve worn back in October. She loved the concert, and was by far the best person to be around.
My Classical Mythology was another one I’ll never forget. Dr. Joey Williams, the professor for this course, made it fun and exciting. His storytelling through many myths makes me fall in love. My section for this class definitely talked a lot about myths, even outside of class. The exams were very easy, and straight to the point. If anything, I’ll recommend anyone to take the class with him.
My Gateway to Belonging was incredible. Dr. Josephine Kim, the professor of this course, engaged everyone (even though she mentions that this class was awful). She is amazing, and literally the nicest person I’ve ever met. Our conversations was always the best. Definitely an easy grade, and wasn’t hard at all.

Back in September, I gave my first-ever presentation to a group of eighth graders in my hometown. It was at Central Middle School, and I loved that the whole class was engaging with me. Also, I went to my first-ever college football game! I went with Central Middle School eighth-grade group. Some kids and faculty went from CMS to the event.

I had my first-ever college orchestra concert this semester. I took my freshman year off, and decided to join again. My heart was racing when I performed. At the end of the concert, I was so happy to be back in my passion of playing in an orchestra!! Cheers to making more music!!!

Overall, this semester was full of love, and excitement!! I’m happy to experience this semester with people I love!! Already I’m signing off!! See y’all next year!! Happy Holidays from me to you!!!