Evolving as a musician

Where does my love and story begin with music?

It actually started back in sixth-grade when I attended Tomlinson Middle School. It started when I was 11-years-old, and learning how to play viola. Before I started playing viola, I actually began playing piano at the age of 10. I stopped playing piano, and I wanted to start being collaborative with people. Then, it led me to play viola. I was very excited to start this new opportunity, and get to meet some new people. Two years later, I was first chair of my middle school orchestra class. Everytime I played something hard, everyone in my surroundings would be amazed.

Then, I got to high school, and I was ready for my orchestra high school chapter. My viola section was phenomenal, and they were really good. The people who were in my viola section my freshman year were: Kylie, Cheyenne, Brandi, Ahn-Nika, Michaela, Ariel and me. Then, after freshman year, I went from last chair to third chair. Everyone literally was in shock that I played good, and I wanted to challenge myself even more.

I started taking private lessons with my high school orchestra teacher, Mrs. Kathy Liticker. She was the string supervisor for the whole Lawton Public Schools district and founded the LaSill Optimist Youth Orchestra, which brings together all three high schools Lawton had. The high schools in Lawton are: Lawton Senior High School, Eisenhower Senior High School and MacArthur High School. She has been my orchestra teacher since my sixth-grade year. I always loved how she played the violin, and how she played it with grace. Having that motivator and teacher throughout my life is someone I never took for granted.

When I was a junior, I started doing private lessons with her at her home. The minute I walked into her home, I was astonished about how beautiful it was. I remember all of the good memories that I had. Not just private lessons. After my senior farewell assembly, I wanted to cry so badly because of my legacy at Lawton High School. Then, I went to the band room, where everything happened. From: the memories with other students, nostalgia, etc. Then, I saw Mrs. Liticker in the music library, and I cried in front of her because I was going to miss her. She was like a mother to me so much. I forever adore Mrs. Liticker and all of the things that she did for my time in orchestra. I saw her again in November of 2021, where she was the clinician for the all-region orchestra. I was full of joy when I saw her. So, with everything that I witnessed, she was an amazing teacher to have. Thank you, Mrs. Liticker for everything.  

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