August 13- 20
When attending OU, never did I expect that majority of my friends that I made were not from Oklahoma. I always thought some people that go to OU were always from Oklahoma. For example, I met a guy that was from Wisconsin. His name is Luke. The majority of the people that I was friends are from Texas, and some are from the Tulsa area. I am from Oklahoma, from Lawton, to be exact. My Small Group Leaders are both from Texas, so I like how my group was very diverse, and how we acted like a family. Fortunately, my roommate did not do Camp Crimson at all, so it was good for me because I had the whole dorm to myself. During my time at Camp Crimson, my group was very involved, and they were very spirited. I made a scrapbook of my OU journey so far, and one of the pages I made was about Camp Crimson. I also learned about a lot of traditions, and the backstory of my family at Camp Crimson. I learned a lot of had a lot of time during my time at Camp Crimson. Then my roommate came back before classes started, and I met more of his family who was very sweet.