Questions of Media

Some of the questions that interest me in media are finding out what we must do is learning how to manage the media, and how that influences society every day. Some other questions are part of knowing what you’re looking at involves knowing who produced the content. Is it a news organization? Or is it a publication that is sponsored by a think tank, a political group, or a corporation? The reason that these questions stick out to me is that yes even though I am a Public Relations major, these questions still stick in my mind every day when I am thinking about the media all the time. Does the content have an obvious political slant? There are a lot of new partisan sources for news now. Sometimes it’s hard to tell from any single story whether the source is political. One way to identify partisan or political leaning is to see whether all the stories seem to point in a particular ideological direction or would tend to reinforce the views of one party. If they do, that is a tip-off that the site has a political viewpoint. It’s easy to recognize. Scan the stories. You will know it when you see it, even if each story itself seems straightforward. These are the questions I still question myself to this day.

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