I have noticed a pattern with my blog posts. Most of them are movies made by Disney.
This movie is a childhood favorite of mine, and I just realized how it plays into this class! “Beauty and The Beast” is a movie about a young prince under a spell. The spell could only be broken with true love. However, this spell had transformed the young prince into a beast – he did not think he could find true love with this form. Through many ups and downs, Belle confided in the beast, and she, in time, returned his love. They married and lived happily ever after.

Now that you know the synopsis, the movie is a great example of doubling within oneself. The beast has to come to terms with his new form, although deep down inside he is still that young prince. He has to hide his true self because he is not confident in his looks – that is why it becomes so difficult for him to find his true love. The beast is just the outside representation of the young prince, but it is his actions and his true self that Belle falls for. The movie is about inner beauty and how true love doesn’t judge, but rather, confides in each other. Belle valued the prince’s inward characteristics rather than his outward appearance. She looked past his superficial qualities.
I just wish that the movie dived a little deeper on how the young prince had to overcome his superficial qualities by himself, rather than by someone else recognizing them.

Thank you so much for reading this week’s blog post! I’ll try to find more movies like this to write about! See you all next week!