I watched “Venom” recently with my friends and it struck me as the perfect opportunity for this week’s blog post. “Venom” is about this struggling journalist, Eddie Brock, who gains superpowers after bonding with a parasite that has come from space. Venom, the parasite, is looking for a host to live on earth with. Meanwhile, Eddie is trying to figure out what is happening at a research lab. Apparently, the scientists there are performing experiments on the homeless. After setting off the alarms, Eddie meets Venom and bonds with him unknowingly. After fleeing from the cops, Eddie discovers Venom and decides to let it stay in order to expose the lab.

Towards the end of the movie, both Eddie and Venom form a symbiote together, which means that they become one being. Venom is constantly in Eddie’s brain and we, as the audience, can hear Eddie make rash decisions because of Venom. Although the use of doubling isn’t as direct as the other blog posts, it is still present. It goes to show how two entities can bond together to form a single being. There’s scenes in the movie that show both Eddie and Venom in the monster form.
Apart from the parasites, there is also doubling within the human characters as well. Drake, an evil scientist, and Eddie are foils of each other. Drake stands for injustice and corruption while Eddie stands for justice and honesty. The parasites of the humans are meant to clash with each other alongside their respective hosts – Venom with Eddie and Carnage with Drake.

Thank you so much for reading this week’s blog posts! I hope to see you next week!