Breaking The Chinese Tradition

Cover of Sally Little’s Honor to us all

Back in the day, China would send their oldest son’s to war, which ends up being the main problem for Mulan. Mulan’s father is the only man in the family, but because of his old age, Mulan wants to take his place even though she is a woman. Because of this, it starts the main storyline for the Disney movie, where she pretends to be a man in the war fighting along with her fellow commrades.

Although the Disney movie is for children, the story and character actually challenge gender identity and gender norms, creating another version of herself. Mulan creates the male identity of herself known as Ping. Ping is made fun of at first, but as he/she begins to catch on to their masculine ways, the men grow a liking to her.

Mulan acting as Ping at the training camps

In the movie we see Mulan trying to fit in, talking in a deeper voice and acting messy. These are stereotypical “masculine” things to do, and Mulan is forced to act in these certain ways and become she isn’t jut to fight in the war.

I believe this movie is much more moving than most other typical Disney movies because of the way it challenges femininity.. Mulan is physically fit and brave enough to face the things like the other men can in the movie, and she even performs better than them. It shows just how strong women are, and I believe Mulan can be seen as a much stronger role model for younger girls who watch the movie. Unlike the stereotypical princess who is saved by the prince, Mulan is capable of defending herself, and even saving her people.