An anime created in 1995, Neon Genesis Evangelion has remained one of the most popular and disturbing animes of all time. Its impact on religion and uncanniness is unmatched compared to many.
Taking place in 2015, (20 years in the future), Shinji, a high school boy is taken to his father’s lavatory to become an EVA pilot. An EVA pilot is a young child in a body suit controlling a large robot to fight the dangerous angels that terrorize the city.
Fighting monsters throughout the anime, it seems like your typical anime where everything is great until a monster shows up, and then the main character takes care of it. While that is how the anime is portrayed at first, it suddenly turns dark. He discovers the dark secrets of his father’s project. One of his close friends in the show turns out to be a copy of an original person.
Rei, another one of the EVA pilots is believed to be a real girl. But her emotions and actions are human. It is later discovered that she is just a clone of many that the father has made.
Evangelion is an eerie or even “uncanny” anime. The avatars of Rei are never exactly like the original. They may physically look the same, but lack many of the basic human emotions and actions. What makes her so uncanny is how unpredictable she is. She stands there emotionless, and you can’t exactly tell what is going on in her mind.