Research Annotated Bibliography

Works Cited

Balance, Rachel. “Cultural Exchange Programmes.” Diversity of Cultural Expressions, 26 Jan. 2021,

This article really helps me understand what taking away people’s  culture does to society. I will use it to help define my counter argument.

Booth, Douglas. “Surfing Films and Videos: Adolescent Fun, Alternative Lifestyle, Adventure        

Industry.” Journal of Sport History, vol. 23, no. 3, 1996, pp. 313–27. JSTOR, Accessed 7 Nov. 2022.

This text shows the history of surf films. This journal helps show me the history of the sport of surfing and insight into surf culture.

Goldstein, Robert B., et al. “Where People Look When Watching Movies: Do All Viewers Look at the Same Place?” Computers in Biology and Medicine, Pergamon, 29 Sept. 2006,

I will not be using this source anymore.

This article shows how many movies are much similar to each other. This shows how we can understand how all movies have an uncanny feeling of similarity.

Davis, Peter. “Surf Culture Has Changed for the Better.” The Daily News, 22 Oct. 2021,

This is an article on how surfing has changed. I will use this in support of my article how the culture is different and shows a different theme and meaning to the surf culture than it did in the movies.

Eschner, Cat. “What the First European to Visit Hawaii Thought about Surfers.”, Smithsonian Institution, 18 Jan. 2017,

This is a very informative article as it shows what Hawaii was like when Captain Cook first set eyes on the island of Hawaii. It shows Hawaii’s rich culture of surfing.

Haruki, Jason. “Chronicling America: Historic Newspapers from Hawaiʻi and the U.S.: Surfing.” Research Guides,’s,Hawaiians%20surfing%20in%20the%20beach.

Moore, KC. “Surfing through the Question of Cultural Appropriation.” The Bull & Bear, 13 Sept. 2017,

This article really helps frame my argument that Hawaiians are losing their culture through cultural appropriation. This will also serve as my lens text as it is very informative on the sport of surfing and what cultural appropriation is.

Sampson, Stella. “The Problem of Localism: Surf Simply.” Surf Simply – Surf Simply Offers Technical Surf Coaching for Beginners and Competitors at a Beautiful, All Inclusive Boutique Resort in Nosara, Costa Rica., 20 June 2021,

This article shows the joys and great parts about surf culture and the overall sport, but it shows the harsh reality of how dark the sport really is. At this point, I am thinking about changing my topic to the overall idea of the good and bad of surf culture. I have now started to notice the dark past behind surf culture. It should also be noted that this article is written by a licensed psychologist.

  • This will introduce my main argument that surfing has a dark past.

Wigler, Josh. “The Myth of Surf Culture - Turning the Tide on a Hypocritical Veneer.” Medium, Medium, 24 Nov. 2019, What I think about is important about this article is that we can see what is so bad about surf culture and it is not what we see in the movies, along with the upsides of surf culture. Overall, I think this is an important article to show that the surf

This will help synthesize the connection between the unfairness between who can and who is allowed to surf.

“Chronicling America: Historic Newspapers from Hawaiʻi and the U.S.: Surfing.” Research Guides,’s,Hawaiians%20surfing%20in%20the%20beach.

This source helps me elaborate on my argument of how the sport of surfing promotes colonizing at the early times. This will help me provide dates and quotes of the first people to colonize Hawaii.