They say money can’t buy happiness, but in the characters in The Great Gatsby seem to think otherwise. They seek materialism and superficiality and are blinded by the illusion of happiness . They believe that accumulating immense wealth will lead them down a road of happiness and romance. While it ended in dead end cold relationships and death.
As the characters amassed their fortune the allure of more pulled them into corruption, their inability to be content ended up killing them before they died. Even Gatsby’s massive mansion which he wanted to bring him his love, is empty and devoid of any genuine warmth. The extravagant halls of his hollow representation of success.
Gatsby chases wealth for all of the wrong reasons and ends up spiraling into despair and a sense of madness. His love for Daisy overwhelms him. Regardless of her marriage, which is also financially motivated. They are so caught up in what is deemed as success they watch years pass by, never truly being satisfied, never finding happiness.
The love faded the day they both decided it was about money, while money is relevant within a relationship for basic needs, it shouldn’t be the foundation of a relationship. Allowing it to be will crumble the foundation and seep in and bring you to a bitter distaste for someone you use to love.
To love and be loved is to feel the sun on both sides, both Daisy and Gatsby had a fleeting moment of this and allowed money to destroy it. They lost sight of any form of warmth. I think that the love Gatsby and Daisy had in the beginning was pure and innocent, but it was never meant to be more than that. Daisy and her wants will always exceed what Gatsby can provide. Their shoes were made for dancing with someone else at the lavish parties.
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