
Gallogly College of Engineering and its School of Sustainable Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering are proud to present the OU Bioprocessing Certificate Program.  

The Bioprocessing Certificate Program is open to all students at the undergraduate and graduate level.  

This certificate program is a unique opportunity for students to gain experience that provides an advanced skill set and knowledge base preparing them to enter the Biotech industry with hands-on experience at an industry level.    

Undergraduate Certificate

  • The Bioprocessing Undergraduate Certificate is a 15-hour program requiring three core courses (9 hours) and two elective courses (6 hours).

Graduate Certificate

  • The Bioprocessing Graduate Certificate is a 12-hour program requiring three core courses (9 hours) and 1 elective course (3 hours).

Electives options are selected from the offered electives within this program curriculum. 

Required Courses  

The required 9-hour common core sequence is designed to provide students with a comprehensive foundational understanding of bioprocessing processes relative to practical and theoretical aspects.

Core theoretical and practical areas include 1.) State-of-the-art technologies of manipulating and controlling genes, genomes, and cellular pathways with a goal of engineering human (stem) cells and microbes for health, environmental and biomanufacturing applications (CHE/BME-5423/4423), 2.) Current bioprocesses for reaction and separation with emphasis on fundamental principles of biochemical engineering, biochemistry, and microbiology (CHE/BME-5243/4243), and 3.) Biomanufacturing workflow including upstream and downstream bioprocessing, with a focus on biological products, design and operation of industrial practices at the OU Bioprocessing Core Facility (CHE558/4583). 

Elective Courses

While the common core serves as the foundation, the selection from the elective courses allows for a broader understanding of bioprocessing within these areas.   


Interested in the OU Bioprocessing Certificate Program or want to know more please email the School of Sustainable Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering at the appropriate email below.

Graduate Certificate: Jennifer Jones at

Undergraduate Certificate: Madena McGinnis at