Not counting Super Smash Bros Ultimate (which currently sits at a 92 on the site) Street Fighter 6 has been released to wide acclaim and has gone past the 90 mark on Opencritic.

Image: Capcom

The series’ previous entry, Street Fighter 5, currently sits at a 74 as it was a resounding letdown for the fighting game community when it was released in 2016.

This comeback for Street Fighter isn’t surprising for Capcom, as it continues the recent trend the developer has set for itself bringing back fan-favorite series with their strongest entries. Capcom series like Monster Hunter, Devil May Cry and Resident Evil have set sales records for the company’s newest titles since 2017.

It was only inevitable for Street Fighter to follow suit and produce something special for the franchise, but there are a handful of other Capcom IPs that have yet to receive the same treatment.

A personal favorite, Dead Rising, hasn’t seen relevancy for years. The series’ last entry, Dead Rising 4 failed to appeal to any audience, including me. The excuse frequently made for the game’s failure was ‘zombie game fatigue,’ but with releases like Dying Light 2: Stay Human and the long-awaited Dead Island 2 hitting the mark for their audiences, I’d say it’s time Dead Rising came back from the dead (for me at least).

There’s plenty of other series that Capcom can go back to and improve or freshen up, like Dino Crisis or Marvel vs. Capcom, but I honestly believe whatever they do next will hit the same levels of quality they’ve been reaching the past six years.