For any practitioner, including myself, learning about how to utilize a digital publication like an e-newsletter can only see benefits. On top of these, learning how to properly express your thoughts or teach what you know through presentations made through powerpoint and also extend your skills for the better.
Here’s what I’ve discovered with my time with both e-newsletters and powerpoint.
The trend with newsletter like everything else these days are their digital alternatives. Like newspapers and magazines, a newsletter is what companies can utilize to share company news and related articles outside of going to news or magazine publications. Allowing those interested in your organization to access a one-way ticket to learn what’s happening every week or month is far easier than any other way thanks to platforms like Mailchimp, which not only helps with newsletter distribution but design as well.
I have a recent history with the site, as my organization, OU Game Developers Association, uses it for its newsletter. Just from that, I’ve learned the value it can bring to being able to share news the proper way.
This is a glimpse of my newsletter I made for PR Design, it contains four of my student blogs regarding PR Design and I think this assignment as a whole will prove useful when I develop more newsletters in the future.
Right now, both using Powerpoint and being able to make a coherent presentation are two skills that need some working-on. I’ve been using Powerpoint since grade-school and public speaking has never been a huge issue coming from a theater background and all. But even so, I think honing these two down will only benefit my skills as a practitioner even more, when I eventually start presenting to clients or my boss/co-workers.
Here’s a presentation I created on Powerpoint walking through my creation of a brochure for a local churches capital campaign. I wanted to relay the kinds of elements I found most important creating a brochure and how I tried to capture those in mine.
Overall I think notes for presentations are the most helpful thing I learned when I made this. I even started to use it for presentations in my other course, PR and society, where I felt it cleared up text that would otherwise make up the bulk of my slides before.
I’m bound to re-encounter these tools again soon, but I think I’m a lot more comfortable with them now than I was before this course.