PART I: Jordan Peele’s clones in his latest movie Us are failed experiments from the U.S. Government cloning project that wanted to generate subjugated humans as means of crowd control. They are tethered clones of the population, but since the project was abandoned they are merely living shadows who are forced to mimic their double’s… Continue reading Freewrite #12
Month: December 2022
Final Freewrite: Veni-Vedi-Vici!
If I could back and take this class all over again, I would definitely utilize my time better. I am someone who does my work better when I’m under pressure, but sometimes I forget that everything cumulates. If I could talk to the version of myself on the first day of class, I’d tell her… Continue reading Final Freewrite: Veni-Vedi-Vici!
Freewrite #13: Where are you going; where have you been?
1. Where are you now? At this very moment, I have all the materials and ideas for proposing and supporting a focused argument, I just need to put it all together. So far I have roughly almost five pages, and four paragraphs. As far as organization goes, I’m getting there. It’s not quite a smooth… Continue reading Freewrite #13: Where are you going; where have you been?
Multimodal Alternative Media/Genre Argument Project + Presentation
From Mannequins to Animation: The Evolution of Women in Media “Our ideas of what appears most real to us vary with the times, the technology available, and our recollections of realism….it is precisely the imperfections of realism and its relativism that make it a compelling aesthetic” (Schneider 5). For this project, I wanted to capture… Continue reading Multimodal Alternative Media/Genre Argument Project + Presentation