Final Freewrite: Veni-Vedi-Vici!

If I could back and take this class all over again, I would definitely utilize my time better. I am someone who does my work better when I’m under pressure, but sometimes I forget that everything cumulates. If I could talk to the version of myself on the first day of class, I’d tell her to attempt to work ahead. As far as my writing self, I’ve found that I enjoy doing research papers. I think my writing process has developed more since starting this course. All of the provided handouts were really helpful to tuning my writing, planning, drafting, and revising. Unit 1 and Unit 2 of this course were my favorite. As a Mexican-American and woman, I found a deep interest i. a lot of the topics discussed and what I chose to write about. I found this course topic pretty interesting, so I don’t know if I would make any tweaks to it. I’d only suggest encouraging students to engage together more. I know it’s difficult since it’s an online class, but sometimes having someone to work with is helpful. All the research and connections I was able to make between different sources as well as films and books I had previously known about is something I’ll take with me. I’ll probably continue making those connections in my head. Such as Sigmund Freud and “The Uncanny” and mannequins, or Basquiat’s “Famous” panels. I hope I leave behind a memory of our many interesting discussions during our conference drafts or office meetings. Part of the reason I loved this class was because of you and your attention to students and their needs, so thank you, Dr. Mintler. Thank you for a wonderful semester.