Freewrite #13: Where are you going; where have you been?

1. Where are you now? At this very moment, I have all the materials and ideas for proposing and supporting a focused argument, I just need to put it all together. So far I have roughly almost five pages, and four paragraphs. As far as organization goes, I’m getting there. It’s not quite a smooth flow yet. So far I’ve only written ACE Synthesis paragraphs. However, I am planning on adding more varieties of paragraphs. I’d like to add more sources and smoother transitions, especially because I’m doing a two-part research paper.

2. Where have you been? I think what’s helped me the most to get me where I am today is the feedback I received on my Unit 3 Conference Draft as well as the suggestions I received during my oral Unit 3 Conference Draft. It’s also really helpful to look through all the handouts to improve the strength of my writing and diction.

3. Where are you going? To start off, I need a counterargument and refutation. I also need to add more varieties of paragraphs. I also need to frame my lens text and improve my thesis so that it sets up a clearer argument. I also need to move some things around in my introductory paragraph so that it’s better formatted. Overall it’s just small fixes that need to be done for this to be a good Research Paper.