High Performance Interband Cascade Lasers With Room Temperature Lasing Wavelengths Near 3.3 μm

Yixuan Shen ; Rui Q. Yang, Tetsuya D. Mishima ; Michael B. Santos ; Xiaojun Wang We report significant advancements of interband cascade lasers (ICLs) with hybrid cladding layers. These 6-stage hybrid-cladding ICLs were able to lase in pulsed modes… Continue Reading

Continuous wave GaSb based ICL with hybrid cladding layers operated at RT and Above

Yixuan Shen ; Rui Q. Yang, Tetsuya D. Mishima ; Michael B. Santos ; Xiaojun Wang We report the preliminary demonstration of continuous wave (cw) GaSb-based interband cascade lasers (ICLs) with hybrid cladding layers at high temperatures up to 80 °C… Continue Reading

Improved Device Performance of Interband Cascade Lasers with Hybrid Cladding Layers Operating in the 3-4 μm wavelength region

Yixuan Shen, Jeremy A. Massengale, Rui Q. Yang, Tetsuya D. Mishima, Michael B. Santos By focusing on a hybrid cladding approach, we demonstrate substantially improved device performance of ICLs compared to earlier reported ICLs of a similar design in the… Continue Reading

Low threshold long wavelength Interband Cascade Lasers with high voltage efficiencies

Jeremy A. Massengale, Yixuan Shen, Rui Q. Yang, Samuel D. Hawkins, Aaron J. Muhowski We report on the substantial advancement of long wavelength InAs-based interband cascade lasers (ICLs) utilizing advanced waveguides formed from hybrid cladding layers and targeting the 10-12… Continue Reading