GaSb-based Interband Cascade Lasers with Hybrid Cladding Layers Operating in the 3-4 μm Wavelength Region

Y. Shen, Jeremy Massengale, R. Yang, T. Mishima, M. Santos, “GaSb-based Interband Cascade Lasers with Hybrid Cladding Layers Operating in the 3-4 μm Wavelength Region” MIOMD-TuP-19, Poster session presented at the 16th International Conference on Mid-Infrared Optoelectronics: Materials and Devices (MIOMD… Continue Reading

Expanding the Frontiers of Long Wavelength Interband Cascade Lasers using Innovative Quantum Well Active Regions

Rui. Q. Yang, “Expanding the Frontiers of Long Wavelength Interband Cascade Lasers using Innovative Quantum Well Active Regions.” Oral presentation at the 16th International Conference on Mid-Infrared Optoelectronics: Materials and Devices (MIOMD XVI), Norman, OK, United States, Aug. 7, 2023