Generational Interactions with COVID-19

Before this semester started, my father elaborated his thoughts on the COVID-19 statistics being at an all time high. We elaborated on how different members of the community have various values and embark in societal interaction in their own way, but also the importance of the safety of the community and thinking about what we can control ourselves to help progress the situation we are all in. We reflected on the different forms of action, unique members of all generations have unraveled overtime as we have gone through this on-going pandemic. Regardless of generation, members of the community have responded to the pandemic in the way that they’ve chosen; no specific generational group has been responding in a certain way as a whole, all members of all generations have been responding differently to the pandemic and societal interaction overall.

With a 2015 reflection on Gen Z’s life experience, unraveling “will likely be shaped by very different influences and forces than the generations that preceded it” (Pew 16), this concept is shows how an influential factor to how my generation is adapting right now. The COVID-19 pandemic’s first initial hit of events started in February 2020. With my 20’ graduate class, we experienced different ways to proceed with the graduation ceremony and our first encounters of the college life experience. Younger graduate classes have started to foreshadow what could be organized for their senior year and how they can make the most out of what they can. It’s a very complex feeling, it feels like we will never get to experience a true “real world experience”, with how we’ve been living through the pandemic and how we as individuals interact and value the anti-COVID-19 procedures that are allowed for us to optionally follow. However, members of older generations that are still alive today are also experiencing different life unravelments, such as how parents are cultivating their own culture with their children, how societal influences are impacting members of various generations at the same time, or the complexities that have unraveled with societal interaction in an educational environment.

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1 Comment

  1. Sonya, your decision to reflect on the pandemic operating both across and within generations leads you to a careful acknowledgement of complexity and difference.

    Now, I’m going to focus on your citation sentence for a moment:
    “With a 2015 reflection on Gen Z’s life experience, unraveling “will likely be shaped by very different influences and forces than the generations that preceded it” (Pew 16), this concept is shows how an influential factor to how my generation is adapting right now.”
    Here you could deploy the citation in a more straightforward way: you want to say that Pew admitted future shaping events would be unpredictable, and you want to say that YOU (the author) are now working with Pew’s thinking!

    And, perhaps, you could also say a little more about the particular kind of unpredictability generated by the pandemic—how much more do we know about Gen Z now than 5 yrs ago; or, perhaps, would you say that the pandemic has actually slowed Gen Z, hindering its efforts to form an identity? (I think you MAY be saying that, but I’m not certain….)

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