What part of yourself can you embrace more?

Bob goff, live in grace. walk in love

When asked this question at the bottom of my daily devotional, I stopped and really thought about the answer before continuing my quiet time. Was there a part of me that I was suppressing? I spent some time talking to Jesus and thinking about my life, and how much it’s changed recently. I’m a freshman at the University of Oklahoma, learning how to navigate life in a new home, in a new routine, with new people, and basically new everything! When thrown into a fresh season of life, I’ve realized how easy it is to “reinvent” yourself and become whoever you want to be- no one would know the difference! The thing is, maybe no “reinventing” was necessary in the first place, and you (and I) were completely perfect just as we were. In this process of trying to be more, better, or whatever the case is, it’s also easy to let the little aspects of your heart that matter the most slip through the cracks. You know, the tiny things that really make a person who they are. For me, I realized that my thing I let slip through was my heart for the simple things in life.

I’m just gonna be honest here- I love love, cheesy romance movies (especially the Christmas ones), a warm cup of coffee in the morning, a long walk in the sunshine, making breakfast, curling my hair, and wearing a cute outfit for no special occasion. I adore the simple pleasures of life, and understand how blessed I am to experience these little things! I sometimes feel as if everyone is moving at just a slightly faster pace than me, trying to grow up and get on with the big, important milestones. I think moving to college was enough of a milestone to last me a few years!! In a new environment, it became easy to suppress my heart for the simple in lieu of following the hustling pace of my peers. This left me feeling nothing but drained, empty, and homesick not just for my family and bed (lol), but for the girl I used to be.

So, here I am. Writing this blog in my dorm room with Disney piano music playing, my bed made and room clean, and a warm cup of sleepy time tea brewing in my Keurig, perfectly content and excited about this journey that God is taking me on. I’m ready to embrace the simple, happy moments of life and seek joy in all that I do, while rooting myself deeply in the love of the Lord. I understand it’s bold of me to assume anyone other than my teacher will even read this, but I’m more than grateful for a new project that will hold me accountable, give me a creative outlet, and help me embrace this wonderful life that God has blessed me with!

Now, what part of YOURself can you embrace more?

What are the little things that your heart loves?

Find a way to revive these in your life, today!

